COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

A Special Message from Lakehouse West about COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

At Lakehouse West, we know that this is not only a time of a health crisis but also an emotional crisis. Being separated from those we love is difficult all around. We want you to know that we are doing everything we can to keep your loved ones healthy, happy, and safe. This is paramount to us at Lakehouse West.


We have been vigilantly monitoring the COVID-19 outbreak in the United States since it began. We are working closely with the Florida Department of Health, the Agency for Health Care Administration, and following all guidelines set forth by the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) and our local Sarasota County Emergency Management.

As of this time, we DO NOT have any residents, staff, nor family members of staff having tested positive or presumptively positive for COVID-19. We are doing everything we can to mitigate exposure and to help lower the risks of contracting the virus. As always, our Lakehouse West Nursing staff is on-hand 24/7.

To err on the side of caution, we have implemented certain policies and procedures, which we will update regularly as circumstances change:


Limited Access to Lakehouse West. Lakehouse West is restricting all non-essential visitors for at least the next 30 days. This means that only staff, medical professionals, essential caregivers such as Home Health, and vendors delivering necessary goods will be permitted to enter the community after they have been screened. Caregivers are restricted to apartments where they are providing care. Vendors are not allowed in common areas.


Enhanced Screening. Besides signing in through our Accushield background check system, all Residents, Staff, vendors, and caregivers entering the property are health screened and have their temperature taken at the main gate before being allowed admittance. All approved entries are issued a signifier that they are approved to enter the building, and that signifier changes color daily. The health screening includes a series of questions to determine any symptoms they may be experiencing. Anyone who leaves Lakehouse West will have to be re-screened when they return. No one will be permitted to enter Lakehouse West if they:
a) Show signs or symptoms of a respiratory infection such as fever over 100 degrees, cough, shortness of breath, or sore throat.

  1. b) Been out of the country, been on a cruise, or traveled through an airport in the last 14 days
  2. c) Had contact within the last 14 days with someone who has a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19 or who is being monitored for the virus.Activities & Events Cancellations. We have a cancelled all non-essential programs and events for at least the next 30 days. We are practicing “Social Distancing” to comply with the CDC rule of staying “6 feet apart”. We are grocery shopping for our residents, so they may stay home and safe.Dining Room is Closed. All meals are delivered to residents’ apartments.Increased Cleaning & Sanitizing Procedures. From the beginning of the Coronavirus outbreak, Lakehouse West immediately implemented procedures to keep the community as clean as possible. Sanitizing of common areas multiple times a day and providing staff with products to keep them and their areas clean and germ free.

In Closing. During this stressful time of “Social Distancing”, we know you’ll be missing face-to-face contact with your loved ones. We understand this as is difficult on them as it is on you. We have set up Facetime/Skype on an iPad so that our Lakehouse West Residents can stay connected and see the faces of their family and friends. Please contact us for details if you’re interested in reaching out to your family in this way.

When we say that everyone at Lakehouse West is one big family, we mean it, and the well-being of our Lakehouse West Family is the most important thing to all of us. We will get through this together!

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us – (941)923-7525.

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